Hlavní stranaZaměstnáníNabídky

Zaměstnání - Nabídky


Spatial ecology of fish

Typ práce: hlavní pracovní poměr

Currently spatial ecology and distribution of fish can be studied by new automatic telemetry systems that provide unprecedented data with extremely high spatiotemporal resolution. As such behaviour and distribution of studied individuals can be described as never before. Moreover, association of precise movement data with environmental descriptors can provide unique and novel insight into fish ecology. The institute of Hydrobiology of the Biology Centre CAS (IHB) collected large amount of high precision data about fish movement using telemetry positioning system during last years. These data include observation of hundreds of individuals in several large lakes in the Czech Republic (current database contains about 30 millions of positions) as well as spatiotemporal data about their environmental background. The candidate is assumed to analyse these spatial data in order to explore habitat use, niche overlap, strategies, predator-prey interaction and movement patterns of fish. These results will be linked to bioenergetic models and dynamics of abiotic factors in lakes to answer broader ecological questions.

IHB carries out research in various freshwater ecosystems with main emphasis on man-made reservoirs. Labs and teams at IHB cover all aspects of freshwater ecosystems ranging from water chemistry to biochemistry, bacteria, protozoans, algae, zooplankton, fish and their predators (for more info see the bellow preseted web pages).

Salary will be commensurate with the applicant’s experience and skills and it is negotiable. The salary will be enough to ensure good to excellent living standards in the Czech Republic where the living costs are generally low. IHB can offer help in securing non-commercial accommodation.

Foreign applicants will receive full support in transferring to the Czech Republic. Knowledge of Czech is not required but the successful applicant will be offered support to take up language courses and reach a basic level of proficiency.

The position is initially for a two-year period with a possibility for extension based on funding realities. The position also requires a three-month probation period.

Minimum qualifications:

  • Highly motivated with ability to learn new skills in data processing and manipulation.
  • Graduate degree from a recognised university in biology with an emphasis to spatial ecology of animals.
  • Ability to hadle large datasets.
  • Good knowledge of the R language and environment.
  • Strong statistical background.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of an active team with people from different disciplines and background.
  • Excellent written and communications skills.
  • Good knowledge of English.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Experience with animal telemetry and movement analyses
  • Knowledge of fish ecology and limnology
  • Knowledge of spatial analysis (ArcGIS, PostGIS) and statiscs
  • Knowledge of bioenergic models

How to apply:

Interested applicants should email the following documents to Dr. Milan Riha (milan.riha@hbu.cas.cz), by Wednesday May 31th 2017 at 5pm Central European Time:

1) Cover letter outlining skills and interest in the position
2) CV including full publication list
3) Copies of relevant diplomas and 1-2 relevant publications
4) Contact details for 3 references

The selection committee will begin evaluating applications  on Thursday June 1th 2017 with the aim to rapidly fill the position with a target start date approximately in the fall of 2017.

Other information:

Ceske Budejovice, the site of IHB, is a medium-sized town ca. 150 km south of Prague with 100,000 inhabitants and a relaxed atmosphere. Both the town and the surrounding countryside provide numerous opportunities for research and leisure activities. 

Kontaktní osoba:
Dr. Milan Riha



Vloženo: 4.4.2017



CEBIO a I. etapa JVTP

  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina


Jihočeská agentura pro podporu inovačního podnikání o.p.s.

Články na přání

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