Address: |
Hněvotínská 3
775 15 Olomouc
Česká republika
Telephone: | +420585632451 |
Fax: | +420585632966 |
E-mail: |; |
WWW: | |
Established: | 1995 |
Number of employes: | |
Number of Prof.: | |
Number of PhD.: | 10 |
Certicates/Patents: | |
Publications: | |
Company profile: |
LMP was founded for the study of molecular mechanisms of cancerogenesis and the molecular aspects of diagnostics as well as the therapy of cancers. Research activities of our laboratory are primarily oriented to the basic and applied oncology research. It also serves as a centre for postgraduate training. |
Gate2Bitech location: |
5.2 biomedicína (terapie postavená na biologických principech, tkáňové inženýrství - buněčná terapie) 5.6 farmacuetické biotechnologie (produkce API) 6.1 diagnostické protilátky 7.4
Biotechnology techniques: |
DNA/RNA Proteins and other molecules Cell and tissue culture and engineering Gene and RNA vectors Bioinformatics Nanobiotechnology GMO
Biotechnology application: |
Human health - large molecule Human health - other
Type of organization: | Research institute
Primary business: |
R&D company |
Workforce size: | 27 |
Number of garanted patents: |
Number of patent applications: |