Address: |
Rozvojova 2/135
165 02 Praha 6 - Suchdol
Česká republika
Telephone: | +420220390111 |
Fax: | +420220920661 |
E-mail: | |
WWW: | |
Established: | |
Number of employes: | |
Number of Prof.: | |
Number of PhD.: | 5 |
Certicates/Patents: | |
Publications: | |
Company profile: |
Fields of research: Bioremediation of organic pollutants in soil and sewage, Immobilization of biocatalysts, living cells or enzymes, into organic or organic-inorganic matrices by sol-gel. Application of immobilized biocatalysts in optical sensors, Butadiene-siloxane block copolymers, Detoxification of noxious halogen-containing substances by biochemical dehalogenation, Microwave activation of heterogeneous catalytic reactions, Effect of microwave radiation on photochemical reactions, Structure, reactivity, and catalytic properties of azine diphosphine complexes of transition metals, Catalysts for fluorous biphase media, New cyclization reaction affording dinitrogen heterocycles, Generation of new compounds for blood substitutes and other biomedical applications. |
Gate2Bitech location: |
3.0 Enviromentální biotechnologie 5.2 biomedicína (terapie postavená na biologických principech, tkáňové inženýrství - buněčná terapie) 7.3 jiné (lidské zdroje, PR)
Biotechnology techniques: |
Microbial Degradation Others
Biotechnology application: |
Type of organization: | Research institute
Primary business: |
Workforce size: | 24 |
Number of garanted patents: |
Number of patent applications: |