Hlavní stranaČasopisy - Biotechnologie

Cell & Chromosome


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Cell & Chromosome is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal that considers basic and applied research on cell and chromosome biology, bringing together the knowledge of the various sub-disciplines within the field. Cell & Chromosome aims to provide an interface for the transition from fundamental to applied aspects in cell and chromosome research, presenting a coherent and unified view of various sub-disciplines, which are interdependent upon each other. The journal would, therefore, publish studies on morphological, biochemical, biophysical, and molecular aspects of the cell cycle (e.g. mechanisms of mitosis and meiosis including chromosome segregation and malsegregation leading to aneuploidy or genetic instability). Also of interest to Cell & Chromosome are studies pertaining to the biology of associated organelles (such as centromeres, kinetochores, telomeres, spindle associated elements and mitochondria) and applications of physical and physiological aberrations of these organelles (resulting, for example, in birth defects, miscarriage and cancer). Various journals in the field of Biology have become extremely narrow in specialization and content. There are several journals, which deal with only basic studies or with only applied aspects of human, animal and plant biology. Cell & Chromosome brings together the knowledge generated by scientists working in various aspects of basic and applied biology to present a coherent and inter-dependent picture of cell and chromosome biology, either as original research or in the form of reviews.

Source: http://www.cellandchromosome.com/home/
ISSN: 1475-9268
Publisher: BioMed Central
Published: 2002-
Updated: 27.11.2012

CEBIO a I. etapa JVTP

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