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Artificial tooth germ of human stem cells
Kredit: EEN

Artificial tooth germ of human stem cells

28.2.2020   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A German university has developed an artificial tooth germ that is able to induce tooth growth and can be used as in vivo transplant or in vitro test system. Its team is interested in the further development of the technology in the framework of a research cooperation or a license agreement.

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Antibacterial alternative to antibiotics with high specificity against Escherichia coli
Kredit: EEN

Antibacterial alternative to antibiotics with high specificity against Escherichia coli

17.2.2020   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Spanish university has modified several phage proteins (Poll-N and UK-C) that have high specificity against Escherichia coli (E. coli), but not against other Gram-negative bacteria. They could be used in the case of contaminated food, cosmetics or water, or even in the treatment of diseases (infections) caused by E. coli. Biotechnological or...

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Bioleaching technology and bioreactors for metal extraction
Kredit: EEN

Bioleaching technology and bioreactors for metal extraction

14.2.2020   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A company from Latvia involved in bioreactor development and manufacturing in industrial scale for various applications offers a technology and bioreactors for bioleaching - metal extraction from ores through the use of living organisms. The company is offering commercial agreement with technical assistance. The desired cooperation partner can be...

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UK-based SME offers biopolymer wound dressing to industrial partners under a license agreement
Kredit: EEN

UK-based SME offers biopolymer wound dressing to industrial partners under a license agreement

10.2.2020   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A UK-based SME has developed a wound dressing using a novel biopolymer material that is biocompatible, antimicrobial and easy to manufacture. They are looking to partner with a company operating in the healthcare and medical devices fields for further development and commercialisation of the wound dressing technology. It is envisaged that the...

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Vědci odhalili tajemství vzniku „zabijáka“ pšenice Ug99
Kredit: VHolcova

Vědci odhalili tajemství vzniku „zabijáka“ pšenice Ug99

7.2.2020   |   Informujeme Vás - doporučujeme

Vědci z australské národní vědecké agentury CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research) společně s kolegy z USA a Afriky odhalili původ nejnebezpečnějšího kmene obilného patogenu Puccinia graminis f. sp. Tritici Ug99 (pojmenovaného podle objevu v Ugandě roku 1999), který je původcem rzi pšeničné a výrazně ohrožuje globální potravinovou...

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Rapid diagnostic tests made of paper and nanoparticles with smartphone readouts are offered for licensing or technical cooperation agreement
Kredit: EEN

Rapid diagnostic tests made of paper and nanoparticles with smartphone readouts are offered for licensing or technical cooperation agreement

7.2.2020   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Spanish research team specialized in biosensors has developed a technology for producing paper-based immunosensors that can be tailored to detect a wide range of target molecules and pathogens using a smartphone as an optical reader. It allows the integration of all the reagents required for the detection in a single piece of filter paper....

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A Korean company of probiotics looking for a partner in need of lactic acid bacteria isolation, cultivation, production and coating technology
Kredit: EEN

A Korean company of probiotics looking for a partner in need of lactic acid bacteria isolation, cultivation, production and coating technology

24.1.2020   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Korean company, specialized in the field of probiotics, is looking for a manufacturer, or a research institute, interested in manufacturing agreement or technical cooperation. It has the technology to separate, cultivate and produce more than 500 species of bacteria including 19 types of probiotics, accredited by the Korea Food & Drug...

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Legendární irská léčivá půda funguje proti rezistentním superbakteriím
Kredit: Norman Lange -

Legendární irská léčivá půda funguje proti rezistentním superbakteriím

24.1.2020   |   Informujeme Vás - doporučujeme

V severoirském kraji Boho mají kouzelnou hlínu, která léčí všechny rány a infekce. A jak zjistili mikrobiologové, tohle kouzlo skutečně funguje. V irské hlíně žijí doposud neznámé strepomycety které produkují velmi účinné antibakteriální látky.

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Portable blood diagnostic medical device to be used in conjunction with a smartphone and App
Kredit: EEN

Portable blood diagnostic medical device to be used in conjunction with a smartphone and App

17.1.2020   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A project group composed by some Northern Italian professionals working in different sectors designed a device capable of performing a first diagnostic blood, urine, phonocardiogram, eye fundus and audiometric exams for humans and animals, thanks to special computer applications on Smartphones. A patent application has been filed and companies...

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Fialová rajčata s antokyany

10.1.2020   |   Informujeme Vás - doporučujeme

Čínští vědci vytvořili s pomocí genových modifikací fialová rajčata, která jsou obohacena o antokyany. O výzkumu informovala Čínská akademie věd, výsledky výzkumu byly zveřejněny v odborném časopise Molecular Plant.

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