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Italian University is offering the construction of stable mammalian cell lines hyper-producing recombinant proteins to pharmaceutical companies, universities and research centres
Kredit: EEN

Italian University is offering the construction of stable mammalian cell lines hyper-producing recombinant proteins to pharmaceutical companies, universities and research centres

14.10.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

Biology and biotechnology department of an Italian University developed an efficient system to produce recombinant proteins in mammalian cells in culture to be used as drugs or for structural biology studies. The company is looking for pharmaceutical companies, universities and research centers, under a technical cooperation and service...

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Enzymatic/microbial platform technology offers solutions for biocatalysis for chemical, food, pharma and materials industry
Kredit: EEN

Enzymatic/microbial platform technology offers solutions for biocatalysis for chemical, food, pharma and materials industry

11.10.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

German-Sino SME provides all-in-one R&D /commercialisation services and biocatalytic solutions via an enzymatic, microbial platform technology. It leads to major time savings, state of the art high ; consistency. They look for industrial/academic partners from chemical, pharma, food, home care, material industry for R&D cooperation, e.g. new...

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Obilniny odolné vůči suchu
Kredit: VHolcova

Obilniny odolné vůči suchu

11.10.2019   |   Informujeme Vás - doporučujeme

Změny klimatických podmínek jsou v současné době celosvětovým problémem majícím dopad v mnoha oblastech, včetně potravinářského průmyslu. Výzkumné týmy po celém světě se proto snaží hledat řešení problémů, jež sucho způsobuje u pěstovaných plodin.

Pokračování článku

Transdermal delivery cream that delivers water-based active ingredients across the skin
Kredit: EEN

Transdermal delivery cream that delivers water-based active ingredients across the skin

6.10.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Singapore-based technology SME has developed a transdermal delivery system that delivers the water-based active ingredient into the bloodstream through the skin. The trade-secret formulation comes in the form of an applied-on cream. Water-based active molecules are delivered across the skin in a sustained manner, facilitating delivery into...

Pokračování článku

Robotic system for in-vitro fertilization
Kredit: EEN

Robotic system for in-vitro fertilization

4.10.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

Bulgarian research team is working in the field of automation of complex micro/nano manipulation processes. The new offered product presents a robotic system for in-vitro fertilization. The innovative aspect is that the procedures as cell injection and sperm tracking and holding could be realized automatically. The research organization is looking...

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Bakterie vyrábějí z lidské moči nové biocihly
Kredit: dwight9592 -

Bakterie vyrábějí z lidské moči nové biocihly

4.10.2019   |   Informujeme Vás - doporučujeme

Mikrobiální cihly z moči šetří energii i životní prostředí. Při jejich výrobě nevznikají v takové míře skleníkové plyny, nýbrž látky s dusíkem a draslíkem, které je možné využít v průmyslových hnojivech.

Pokračování článku

Photodynamic biomimetic nanotechnology for echological environmental protection and improvement from non-ionising electromagnetic fields
Kredit: EEN

Photodynamic biomimetic nanotechnology for echological environmental protection and improvement from non-ionising electromagnetic fields

29.9.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

An Italian company active in the health and wellness field developed a technology process able to implement nano-data in different items and individual accessories for the protection from electrosmog’s disorders. The company is looking for partners willing to invest in the development of the technology through commercial agreement with technical...

Pokračování článku

Actively targeted polymeric micelles for drug and gene delivery
Kredit: EEN

Actively targeted polymeric micelles for drug and gene delivery

27.9.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Spanish biomedical research networking center has developed innovative micelles as non-viral vectors for drug delivery (in particular for siRNA - small interfering RNA delivery) into cancer cells. They are looking to establish license, research cooperation or technical cooperation agreements.

Pokračování článku

Kongres o rostlinné genomice a genové editaci
Kredit: Photonbleu -

Kongres o rostlinné genomice a genové editaci

27.9.2019   |   Informujeme Vás - doporučujeme

Na jaře příštího roku proběhne kongres zaměřený na genomiku rostlin a genovou editaci. Konkrétně jde o "8th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress: Europe", který se bude konat v holandském Rotterdamu ve dnech 4. - 5. března 2020.

Pokračování článku

Method to produce enzymes
Kredit: EEN

Method to produce enzymes

25.9.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Spanish biomedical research center has developed an innovative method for the synthesis of a functional version of enzymes with high biological activity (i.e. enzymatic). They have reached to this method by encapsulation in an all-in-one process, vehiculating these enzymes in extracellular vesicles (EVs). This method can be applied for...

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