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DNA Nanotechnology in Ned Seeman's Laboratory

Name:  DNA Nanotechnology in Ned Seeman's Laboratory
Link: http://seemanlab4.chem.nyu.edu/nanotech.html
Description:A major effort in our laboratory is devoted to nanotechnological applications of DNA. The attachment of specific sticky ends to a DNA branched junction enables the construction of stick figures, whose edges are double-stranded DNA. This technology has already been used to make a cube and a truncated octahedron from DNA. Ultimate goals for this approach include the rational synthesis of periodic matter and the assembly of a biochip computer. The reason for trying to synthesize periodic matter in a rational fashion is the weakness of the current crystallization protocol and the expectation that DNA sticky ends can be used to assemble DNA cagescontaining oriented guests. If we can achieve this goal, we will have a good handle on the crystallization of all biological molecules.

CEBIO a I. etapa JVTP

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