Spruce forests – both natural and managed – are typical for the mountaineous regions of the central Europe including the Bohemian Forest – one of the largest protected areas in Europe. The study of the functioning of soil processes mediated by microorganisms is important for both the understanding of this important ecosystem and for its reasonable management. The aim of the project is to elucidate the differences in soil C and N transformation between established forest stands and stands spontaneously recovering after a bark-beetle outbreak. These processes include the decomposition of dead plant biomass and transformation of humic substances (C cycle) and nitrogen fixation and mineralisation, nitrification and denitrification (N cycle). All the mentioned processes will be studied with respect to the microorganisms involved, particularly saprotrophic fungi and soil bacteria. We assume that the changes in vegetationcover and C and N input into soil in bark beetle-affected stands result in the changes of soil microbial communities and processes.
Cíle projektu:
H1: The rates of soil microbial C and N transformation are different in established spruce forests and in
spontaneously regenerating stands. They are shifted towards mineralization processes in regenerating stands.
H2: The changes of vegetation caused by bark beetle outbreak are reflected in the composition of soil
microbial communities.
H3: The differences in rates of soil processes can be due to the changes in abundance and diversity of
specific groups of soil microorganisms.
H4: The spatial heterogeneity of soil properties is greater in regenerating stands than in established spruce
Více naleznete na: http://kbe.prf.jcu.cz/node/2631
Katedra: Katedra biologie ekosystémů
Fakulta: Přírodovědecká Fakulta
Univerzita: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
© 2006 - 2024 Jihočeská agentura pro podporu inovačního podnikání o.p.s.
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