Datum: 30.7.2015
Summary: | |
A French university has developed a unique software solution for high content cellular and tissue imaging, enabling accurate statistical analysis on large scale cells or biological tissues databases. The analysis of cell and tissue can be implemented for research or diagnosis in anatomopathology, toxicology, oncology. License or research agreement is sought with industry or laboratory. | |
Reference: | TOFR20150108003 |
Country: | France |
Submitted: | Jan 08 2015 |
Updated: | Jul 08 2015 |
View Partnering Opportunity | |
Market: | Cellular and Molecular Biology, Database and file management , Systems software |
Technology: | Cellular and Molecular Biology, Computer Software , Databases, Database Management, Data Mining |
NACE: | Data processing, hosting and related activities, Other software publishing |
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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