Mezinárodní spolupráce

Development of molecular switches to turn on / off gene expression in vivo

26.11.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Swiss SME is interested to improve currently available inducible gene expression systems in order to enhance their applicability for the generation of animal models of human disease. The company seeks academic or SME partners experienced in technologies, such as random mutagenesis and the set-up of appropriate screening assays to detect...

Pokračování článku

Seeking solution to quickly measure the level of total bacterial load in aqueous samples containing living cells

22.11.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A French SME seeks a solution to quickly measure the level of bacterial contamination in aqueous samples containing living cells. The goal is to quickly detect the presence or absence of germs and have a quantitative estimation of total bacteria. The solution should be specific enough to differentiate bacterial contaminants from living cells, to...

Pokračování článku

Compounds with antimicrobial activity against resistant strains of pneumococcus

20.11.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Spanish Public Research Organization and a Spanish Public University have developed a new family of antimicrobials. These compounds, with a completely novel structure, show antibacterial activity against multidrug resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) and act as inhibitors of unusual therapeutic targets in treatments against this...

Pokračování článku

Point-of-care diagnostics devices for the detection of pathogenic oligonucleotides

18.11.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A UK University seeks a partner to join a project to develop a bioanalytical device based around a new discovery in biomedical diagnostics. The methodology involves detection of sequences of oligonucleotide with minimal user manipulation. A partner company is now sought with expertise to translate the scientific findings and manufacture a...

Pokračování článku

Human cortical neurons from Induced Pluripotent Stem ( iPS ) cells

14.11.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Belgian university has patented a method to produce highly pure, well-defined and disease-relevant human cortical neurons to use as reagent in support to drug development processes .The university is developing innovative models to study neuronal specification and human neuronal diseases. The university is looking for technical cooperation...

Pokračování článku

Calorimetric system for cell based assays

12.11.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Swedish SME has developed a multi channel calorimetric system, specially designed for label-free cell based assays. The equipment may be used for applications in eg. compound screening, tox studies, environmental monitoring or development of alternatives to animal testing. The company, that holds extensive knowledge in microcalometry is looking...

Pokračování článku

New prognostic and diagnostic tools for breast cancer

5.11.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Belgian University laboratory shows that a set of immune genes have high prognostic value in specific tumor categories. By laying the ground for better understanding of breast cancer heterogeneity and improved tumor taxonomy, the precise epigenetic portraits drawn here should contribute to better management of breast cancer patients. The...

Pokračování článku

Marker-free analysis microscopy of biomolecules

1.11.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

An institute of a German university has developed a microscope, which analyzes particles on the nano- and micrometer scale through optical measurement procedures. It allows for the analysis of nanoparticles or small structures with sensitivity as far as 1 nm without using markers. The technology can be used e.g. for biological cells analysis,...

Pokračování článku

Rapid identification of airborne microbial contaminants

30.10.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A UK manufacturer of consumer goods is searching for technologies for rapid identification of airborne microbial contamination, to genus level. Solutions must be at least as sensitive as the contact plate method but faster. They must be suitable for high volume manufacturing. The nature of the technology has no limitations. The type of...

Pokračování článku

Hair Care Ingredients for Straightening

28.10.2013   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Brussels-based multinational active in consumer goods aims at identifying hair care ingredients or products that can be used to straighten hair. The company is open to licensing or technology purchase.

Pokračování článku

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