2.4.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
Researchers from a Turkish privately founded university have designed a whole-cell E.coli bio-capacitor chip device for determining cellular stress induced by toxic chemicals at the bacteria-capacitor interface.
31.3.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has developed a stable, nano-structured material useful in producing a wide range of radioisotopes with a good process yield.
27.3.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A German company is able to identify structures of biomolecules by means of combination of liquid chromotography-solid-phase extraction- in combination with nuclear magnetic resonance or mass spectrometry.
25.3.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A French university has developed a unique software solution for high content cellular and tissular imaging, enabling accurate statistical analysis on large scale cells or biological tissues databases. The analysis of cell and tissue can be implemented for research or diagnosis in anatomopathology, toxicology, oncology.
21.3.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A privately owned Hungarian SME is offering innovative and cost-effective preclinical R&D services focusing on metabolic diseases (diabetes, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, obesity, uremia) efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetic animal models, including co-morbidity, custom designed and large animal models as well.
19.3.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Belgian SME has developed a novel immunization method that generates efficient antibodies without using recombinant proteins or purified proteins
17.3.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A South East UK University has patented an attractant composition suitable for attracting Lepidopterous insects, particularly Helicoverpa armigera, for use as an insect lure in a control method aimed at reducing pest damage to crops (including cotton, tomato, and green salad crops).
13.2.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Catalan research group, has found a new method to diagnose diabetes mellitus type 2 based on an epigenetic biomarker. This method has shown high specificity against diabetes type 2 over diabetes type 1 or pre diabetic subjects.
11.2.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
An academic French laboratory developed a process based on detection of a microRNA (Ribonucleic acid molecule) as a molecular biomarker dedicated to the prognosis of cancers of the male reproductive system, including prostate cancer. This microRNA is flexible to use, non invasive and easily automatable and suitable for use on industrial scale....
7.2.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
Researchers at the University of Seville have developed a simple process for selecting different seed varieties of wheat, barley, rye, and especially oats, which depending on whether or not they are genetically modified, can be used in gluten-free food and drink production apt for people with Celiac disease as well as excipient creation for...
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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