Mezinárodní spolupráce

R&D of novel bioactives

2.6.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

Indian nutrition company engaged in Research & Development (R&D) of novel bioactives is seeking Research alliances involving core therapeutic areas / novel technologies. Development collaborations sought for developing food products in core therapeutic areas & commercialization of the products & developing novel formulations for blood glucose...

Pokračování článku

Kit for the development of lentiviral expression libraries of anti-small RNAs

29.5.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Spanish public research organisation has patented a kit for the development of anti-small RNAs (Ribonucleic acid) expression libraries against the whole population of small RNAs present in a cell. The library development is based on the generation of sponge RNAs and has the additional feature that it is not necessary to synthesize each of them...

Pokračování článku

Innovative collection of bacterial strains for bio-industry use

24.4.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A French biological resource center is seeking industrial partners to develop research and technical cooperations as well as commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Pokračování článku

Mycoremediation using fungi

22.4.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

An Italian research team, expert in the use of fungi in the treatment of real and contaminated soil, developed a new system for biodegradation and bioremediation of contaminants in soil and waste. This technology presents a high tolerance to toxic compounds and produces extracellular enzymes characterized by a wide range of action and able to...

Pokračování článku

Genetic analysis & microorganisms fermentation

18.4.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A French faculty has set up a technical platform coupling 2 complementary scientific domains on microbial biodiversity: genetic analysis and fermentation. Genetic analysis enables genotyping and genetic quantification of cDNA and RNA as well as OGM construction. Fermentation enables cultivation of microorganisms for production. Private and public...

Pokračování článku

Efficient protein degradation method for cleaning of solid surfaces, textiles, sterilisation and application in molecular biology

16.4.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Slovenian research institute has developed an efficient method for degradation of proteins, proteins aggregates and deposits by using a thermally stable serine protease. The method is applicable for the sterilization of surgical equipment in hospitals, cleaning of textiles, sterilization, and in molecular biology protocols.

Pokračování článku

Antiviral agents for treatment of HIV and other infections

14.4.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A German university has identified antiviral agents for treatment of HIV and other infections. By this innovation pharmaceutical industry can gain new, specifically adjustable and producible molecule structures with potentials in a wide field of antiviral applications in form of a blocker or inhibitor. A license for commercial exploitation and...

Pokračování článku

Automated human cell monitoring system

10.4.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A German laboratory with experience in nano analytics has developed a device for automated measurements of the transepithelial/-endothelial resistance and capacitance of cell layers. It is designed for impedance spectroscopy on barrier-forming cells. The device derives the parameters related to the cell layers‘ properties and provides them as easy...

Pokračování článku

CD44 inhibition as a novel therapeutic strategy against T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL)

8.4.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

Two Spanish research institutions have discovered that the CD44 protein is a therapeutic target in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL). Binding of a blocking agent such as a monoclonal antibody to the CD44 molecule inhibits the expansion of the leukaemia-initiating cells (LICs) in the bone marrow. Companies interested in a license...

Pokračování článku

Cell Line, Analytic and Process Development as well as good manufacturing practice of a monoclonal antibody

4.4.2014   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

An Italian biotech academic spin-off specialized in discovering and developing of monoclonal antibodies, Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) and small molecules/Protacs for treatment of cancer and other severe diseases with unmet medical need is looking for a technological partner which could provide a platform successfully applied to produce...

Pokračování článku

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