19.6.2015 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Spanish biotechnology company has developed an in vitro platform to test ingredients or novel cosmetic formulations. The company offers competitive prices and quality service. They are looking for companies or research groups in the cosmetic fields for services agreement or technical cooperation agreement.
17.6.2015 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
Plant biologists from a Slovenian research institute are offering an innovative procedure for enhanced protein production that can be used in plant cell industry. The main advantage is faster and reliable production of complex proteins. Companies and R&D organizations interested in improved protein production are sought for technical, joint...
15.6.2015 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
An East of England company is developing technology to manufacture proteins with a greatly extended half-life. The production technology encases nascent recombinant proteins inside polyhedral crystals. This technology eliminates issues of stability that have restricted the potential of growth factors in regenerative medicine. Industry and academia...
11.6.2015 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
The UK branch of an international industrial producer of therapeutic proteins is seeking novel techniques applicable to quality controls. These should be amenable to automation and streamlining whilst retaining assurance compared to existing standards. Academia and businesses are sought for technical cooperation, licensing or joint...
24.2.2015 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A French SME offers a flexible, high-quality, secure, traceable and complete solution for the management and storage of biological and clinical samples. The SME is looking for R&D institution, Universities, biotech, pharmaceutical, agrofood and veterinary companies for commercial agreement with technical assistance.
20.2.2015 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A French innovative company specialized in animal artificial insemination, aims to replace completely the use of the antibiotic in the semen. The R&D SME is looking for an active molecule or mechanical effect solution that would have a cytotoxic property or could inhibit bacteria and their metabolism. The French SME is seeking partner bringing...
18.2.2015 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A UK University which is committed to being at the vanguard of academic-led drug discovery and the search for the next generation of therapies that will benefit humankind, has developed a new High-Throughput Screening (HTS) facility. This facility contains a number of cutting edge technologies that are required to enable scientists to conduct...
13.2.2015 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A French University Laboratory specialized in glycochemistry and biocatalysis has patented a new green process allowing to graft a molecule with an alcoholic function the C5 sugar (arabinose) directly from hemicellulosic biomass. It is looking for an industrial partner to complete the process with additional tests. A Technical cooperation...
19.12.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
An Italian biotech SME has developed innovative recombinant collagenases for applications in cell therapy and regenerative medicine, in pharmaceutics, dermo-cosmetics and further industrial applications. Recombinant collagenases ensure higher stability, batch-to batch reproducibility and purity as compared to collagenases currently on the market....
17.12.2014 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Spanish research institute discovered and perfected the production of a highly specific novel proteinase. Unlike others, this enzyme is small, very stable, active at high temperatures, has no special requirements for activity and it is specific for one concrete peptide bond of bovine casein. Partners for a licensing agreement or alternatively to...
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
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Zajímavé články s biotechnologickým obsahem:
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