27.11.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
An Israeli chemical company is seeking an effective screening methodology for biodegradability of polymers in soil to precede a 2-years biodegradation test in close-to-real soil conditions. Identified technologies that meet the basic criteria (see description section) will receive funding to mature the technology if required, or will be considered...
10.11.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A French company is developing a novel molecule to be used as a first or second line in the treatment of chemoresistant cancers. The company is looking for technical cooperation agreements with biotech and pharmaceutical partners with complementary expertise.
3.11.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Belgian multinational active in consumer goods is looking for products or technologies already on the market which do not require the use of any chemical and are able to fight against insects that may be present in the home. The solutions have to therefore be safe to people and pets. Industrial partners or academia are sought for license...
15.9.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Greek research team developing artificial scaffolds for bone tissue is developing three novel materials of different chemical compositions with improved mechanical and biological performance for use as artificial 3D scaffolds in bone tissue regeneration. The research teem seeks industrial partners interested in implementing the method via a...
30.6.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Scottish (UK) SME in the waste-to-energy sector is seeking technology partners to support the development of an ultra small scale anaerobic digestion technology for on-site food waste treatment. The company is interested in commercial, research and technical partnerships to support development of the prototype into a commercial product....
3.5.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Slovenian research institute developed protein patches applicable for healing chronic skin wounds rapidly and cost efficiently. Patches are biodegradable – disappearing in the wound, leaving no residue and no scars behind, enabling a targeted and controlled release of therapeutic substances; looking for a company, institute or a clinic to make...
24.3.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Technical University from Romania is looking for research partners in the field of Nano and Microtechnologies. The current project deals with a completely novel method of fluid manipulation technology in micro fluidic systems, inspired by nature. The partners sought are innovative SMEs and R&D performers in the field of Nano and...
13.3.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
An Italian SME is looking for new solutions for rodenticide products in alternative to currently used anticoagulant technology. More specifically the SME is interested in identifying new substances to kill rodents. The search is for solutions already identified or under development, through licensing or commercial agreements with technical...
9.12.2016 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A UK-based pharmaceutical SME is looking for novel small molecules with immune-oncology activity especially in regard to difficult to treat cancers. The SME will further develop these novel compounds to improve their efficacy and safety profiles with a view to licensing the improved molecules to larger pharmaceutical companies to take onto the...
7.11.2016 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Belgian SME active in molecular diagnostics field, in collaboration with a UK laboratory and contract research organisation, offers the most comprehensive precision oncology test able to identify the right drug for a given cancer, which increases the chances of successful treatment. The company looks for commercial agreement with technical...
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
© 2006 - 2025 Jihočeská agentura pro podporu inovačního podnikání o.p.s.
Zajímavé články s biotechnologickým obsahem:
Animal Biotechnology - Biotechnology, Animals
Výzkum - Informace z výzkumu biotechnologií v České republice
Imunoterapie pomáhá regeneraci srdce po infarktu myokardu
Křemičité nanobrnění červených krvinek umožňuje xenotransfuze