21.2.2018 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Singapore hospital has developed a one-step crosslinking method to manufacture durable, non-leaching antimicrobial coatings compatible with varied substrates. It facilitates the development of protective coatings with antimicrobial agents such as antimicrobial metal ions, cationic antiseptic polymers and antibiotics without loss of antimicrobial...
14.2.2018 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Spanish research centre, specialised in plastics and composite materials, offers development of tailored polymer materials for 3D printing. The centre is equipped with high performance single-spindle extrusion equipment and a twin-screw extruder for mixtures.It is looking for partners as 3D additive manufacturers coming from a wide range of...
7.2.2018 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
Slovak SME is offering a new seed treating method that makes use of superabsorbing polymers. The superabsorbing polymers have a great ability to absorb into its structures 200-500 times of water to own weight and release the captured water gradually in times of drought. As a result, crop seeds treated with this product have more moisture available...
31.1.2018 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Spanish university has developed new biobased phase-change materials with enhanced thermal properties that can be applied for waste heat recovery in industrial processes.These materials can be produced from natural sources as fats and oils usually considered by-products in the agro-food industry and can be recycled. They are looking for...
22.1.2018 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
An established Slovak research institute has developed a novel antibacterial material with special properties. The unique (nanocomposite) material, polymer/carbon quantum dots, is characterized by a controllable antibacterial effect that is activated by the action of blue light. After irradiation of this material with a conventional blue LED...
10.1.2018 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Belgian Research Centre developed (stage of development: technology validated in lab TRL 4) a microbial assisted leaching process designed for metal recovery from secondary resources. The technology is based on a new process integrating bacterial cell encapsulation for a higher resistance to dissolved organics and heavy metals. The research...
30.12.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A Qatari pharmaceutical manufacturer of creams, ointments, solutions and oral liquid forms is looking for a partner who masters the development and manufacture of solid dosage forms. The partnership considered could be commercial agreement with technical assistance, manufacturing agreement, and or/ technical cooperation agreement...
18.12.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A large UK manufacturer of soft drinks is searching for completely novel ways of giving drinks sweetness whilst being natural and low calories. Innovation is also sought in the field of consumer acceptance and perception. Industry and academia developing such solutions, including those in early stage, are sought for technical cooperation,...
11.12.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
A UK university research group are seeking commercial and academic partners with expertise and experience in aquaponics, urban agriculture or living walls to co-develop a new system that employs aquaponic systems and vertical living walls to grow produce. They are seeking partners with existing technology or research to co-develop the innovation,...
6.12.2017 | Mezinárodní spolupráce
An Israeli chemical company is seeking innovative fertilizers and plant stimulants and associated technologies for increasing yield and improving quality of crops. Identified technologies that meet the company's basic criteria (see description section) will receive funding to mature the technology if required, or be considered for licensing....
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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