Datum: 31.7.2015
Summary: | |
A professor for chemistry from a North-German university developed an innovative hybrid interface which can be used in the field of electro-chemical materials or in the field of Biosensorics to develop innovative display technologies. Main advantage is the possibility of the detection of red colour or the opportunity to develop higher resolutions within colour electrochrome displays (ECD's). The professor is looking for partners for license or technical cooperation agreements. | |
Reference: | TODE20150602007 |
Country: | Germany |
Submitted: | Jun 02 2015 |
Updated: | Jul 24 2015 |
View Partnering Opportunity | |
Market: | Display panels, Other Genetic Engineering |
Technology: | Biochemistry / Biophysics, Micro- and Nanotechnology , Micro- and Nanotechnology related to Biological sciences , Micro and Nanotechnology related to Electronics and Microelectronics , Peripherals Technologies (Mass Data Storage, Displays) |
NACE: | Manufacture of other electrical equipment |
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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