Datum: 19.6.2015
In vitro platform with 30 cellular and molecular targets for cosmetic ingredients and novel formulations
Summary: | |
A Spanish biotechnology company has developed an in vitro platform to test ingredients or novel cosmetic formulations. The company offers competitive prices and quality service. They are looking for companies or research groups in the cosmetic fields for services agreement or technical cooperation agreement. | |
Reference: | TOES20150220002 |
Country: | Spain |
Submitted: | Feb 25 2015 |
Updated: | Jun 03 2015 |
View Partnering Opportunity | |
Market: | Health and beauty aids, Other , Pharmaceuticals/fine chemicals |
Technology: | Biochemistry / Biophysics, Pharmaceutical Products / Drugs , Protein Engineering |
NACE: | Research and experimental development on biotechnology |
Technologické nabídky a poptávky zpracovává BIC Plzeň, partner sítě Enterprise Europe Network.
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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