Typ práce: hlavní pracovní poměr
The International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne´s University Hospital in Brno, the Czech Republic (FNUSA – ICRC) is offering a postdoctoral fellowship for a 2-4 year assignment at FNUSA-ICRC and Yale University in the United States as part of a joint program between the two institutions.
During the first half of the program, the Fellow shall participate in neuro-immunological research at the Yale University Dept. of Neurology in New Haven, CT, USA. Under the direction of Chairman David Hafler MD, the Yale Dept. of Neuro-immunology is considered the world’s eminent research department in immunology. As such, this Fellowship represents a unique and prestigious opportunity.
The Fellowship aims to develop integrated research between Yale and ICRC. Following integration with the Department at Yale, the Fellow shall be expected to continue in jointly established projects and advance collaboration between ICRC and Yale at ICRC after returning to the Czech Republic.
Expenses and support for the Fellowship shall be covered fully by FNUSA-ICRC and Yale University. During the Fellowship, the Fellow shall be employed by FNUSA-ICRC and supervised by Yale Dept. of Neurology staff.
Candidates shall be selected on the basis of their past academic record along with present and future research potential. All candidates must have either MD or PhD status, be fluent in English and have demonstrated familiarity with international research, including grant solicitation. Candidates must demonstrate leadership skills as well as the ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.
Applications should be sent in English to iva.sasinkova@fnusa.cz and comprise the following:
CV and list of publications, letter of motivation/intent/area of research, 3 letters of recommendation.
Your application shall include all required and properly named documents (your name_file name).
All applications shall be assessed by an international committee consisting of Yale and FNUSA-ICRC representatives. Candidates shall be informed regarding interview within 4 weeks after sending of application
Kontaktní osoba:
Iva Šašinková
Vloženo: 22.11.2018
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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