Datum: 3.8.2015
Summary: | |
An Austrian university has developed a production system in fungi to produce an enzymatically active recombinant blood clotting factor. These factors can essentially reduce the risk of blood infections during haemophilia therapy. The world-wide new development enables a stable production of blood clotting factors, cheaper and higher yielding than human-based factor concentrates. They are looking for industrial partners for licence agreements, commercial and technical cooperation agreements. | |
Reference: | TOAT20150529001 |
Country: | Austria |
Submitted: | May 29 2015 |
Updated: | Jul 22 2015 |
View Partnering Opportunity | |
Market: | Anatomy, Pathology, Immunology, Physiology , Other medical/health related (not elsewhere classified) , Other therapeutic (including defibrillators) |
Technology: | Enzyme Technology, Microbiology , Pharmaceutical Products / Drugs |
NACE: | Post-secondary non-tertiary education, Tertiary education |
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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