Datum: 13.2.2015
Biotechnological enzymatic process for the valorization of a C5 sugar (arabinose) from hemicellulosic biomass
Summary: | |
A French University Laboratory specialized in glycochemistry and biocatalysis has patented a new green process allowing to graft a molecule with an alcoholic function the C5 sugar (arabinose) directly from hemicellulosic biomass. It is looking for an industrial partner to complete the process with additional tests. A Technical cooperation agreement or Research cooperation agreement is sought with industrial partners. | |
Reference: | TOFR20141212001 |
Country: | France |
Submitted: | Dec 15 2014 |
Updated: | Feb 13 2015 |
View Partnering Opportunity | |
Market: | Food and feed ingredients, Other chemicals and materials (not elsewhere classified) |
Technology: | Biochemistry / Biophysics, Bioprocesses , Extraction , Organic Chemistry |
NACE: | Research and experimental development on biotechnology |
Technologické nabídky a poptávky zpracovává BIC Plzeň, partner sítě Enterprise Europe Network.
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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