Typ práce: hlavní pracovní poměr
The Institute of Soil Biology (http://www.upb.cas.cz) is looking for motivated bioinformatician in microbial ecology with background in biostatistics.
The ideal candidate will have:
Materials required:
Town and background
České Budějovice is a medium-sized town ca. 170 km south of Prague with 100,000 inhabitants, a relaxed atmosphere, and a growing expert community at the Biology Centre and the University of South Bohemia. Both the town and the surrounding countryside provide numerous opportunities for research and leisure activities.
We offer a salary in local standards commensurate with the applicant’s experience and skills. Living costs are low by international standards. Czech and English are being used on equal rights as working languages of ISB, so applicants from abroad are most welcome.
Candidates are welcome to contact us any time for info or personal visit in the Institute (upb@upb.cas.cz).
Kontaktní osoba:
Ivana Makovičková
Vloženo: 4.5.2017
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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