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A novel approach for reaching highly effective antibacterial action using activated gold
Kredit: EEN

A novel approach for reaching highly effective antibacterial action using activated gold

23.9.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Slovenian research institute has developed a novel approach for reaching highly effective antibacterial action in a human- and environmentally- friendly way using active gold. The technology can be used for the formation of implants in orthopaedics, dentistry, plastic surgery, for antibacterial protection in first-aid material, in cosmetics for...

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Novel plate for bacterial flora sampling with the palm of the hand
Kredit: EEN

Novel plate for bacterial flora sampling with the palm of the hand

20.9.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Spanish research group of the public health system has developed a plate specially designed for sampling contaminant bacterial flora with the palm of the hand. The sampling on the hand palm makes it easy to use and apply. A license agreement or an technical cooperation agreement for a public or private partnership for the further development of...

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Obranný genetický systém Insect Allies využívá šíření hmyzem
Kredit: Pink Badger -

Obranný genetický systém Insect Allies využívá šíření hmyzem

20.9.2019   |   Informujeme Vás - doporučujeme

DARPA hledá obranný systém, který by chránil zemědělské plodiny před přirozenými i uměle vyvolanými hrozbami. Pokud bude nutné zasáhnout rychle a na velkém území, tak by to mohl zvládnout vylepšený hmyz, který přenese na plodiny vylepšené viry, které zase do genomu ohrožených rostlin nainstalují požadované sekvence DNA. Takoví jsou Hmyzí...

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Complex microbial preparation for increasing plant productivity based on nitrogen fixing and phosphate mobilizing bacteria
Kredit: EEN

Complex microbial preparation for increasing plant productivity based on nitrogen fixing and phosphate mobilizing bacteria

13.9.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A Ukrainian scientific institute has developed a complex microbial preparation for plant productivity increasing based on nitrogen fixing and phosphate mobilizing bacteria. The preparation stimulates plant growth, development, and protects against the influence of stress factors, phytopathogenes and phytophages. The institute is interested in...

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Více než 190 milionů hektarů GM plodin
Kredit: PhotographyByMK -

Více než 190 milionů hektarů GM plodin

13.9.2019   |   Informujeme Vás - doporučujeme

Údaje přináší nová zpráva neziskové nevládní organizace ISAAA, která každoročně plochy GM plodin ve světě sleduje a analyzuje.

Pokračování článku

In vitro safety and efficacy tests for the characterization of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and other compounds
Kredit: EEN

In vitro safety and efficacy tests for the characterization of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and other compounds

9.9.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

Spanish biotechnological research organization offers in vitro models to test safety and efficacy of compounds using eukaryotic mammalian and parasitic cell cultures that can be grown under static or shaking conditions in carbon dioxide thermostatized incubators. Some cell lines include fluorescent reporter genes that can be easily monitored to...

Pokračování článku

An innovative Italian start-up offers a technology to optimize the production process of spirulina alga for food uses
Kredit: EEN

An innovative Italian start-up offers a technology to optimize the production process of spirulina alga for food uses

6.9.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

An innovative start-up has developed and patented, in collaboration with a multinational, a new technology for optimizing the production process of spirulina for food uses. It is an eco friendly environmental production plant that allows the production of spirulina to be increased for ten times the productions with the same extension of land. The...

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Kit pro chytrý telefon za 100 dolarů určí za hodinu bakterii z infekce

6.9.2019   |   Informujeme Vás - doporučujeme

Když to takhle půjde dál, tak si časem budeme diagnostikovat své nemoci sami. Na Kalifornské univerzitě udělali kit pro smartphony s Androidem, který velmi rychle určí přítomnost patogenní bakterie.

Pokračování článku

A novel and multifunctional biomarker for cancer
Kredit: EEN

A novel and multifunctional biomarker for cancer

2.9.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

A German research team has demonstrated the link between Thrombospondin Type-1 Domain containing 7A Protein and various cancer types and presents a new way to use this tumor specific to improve cancer treatment efficiency by early diagnosis. Sought are industrial or institutional partners involved in the development and/or production of cancer...

Pokračování článku

Peripheral nerve regeneration using natural protein nanofibers to be transfered from a French technology transfer office
Kredit: EEN

Peripheral nerve regeneration using natural protein nanofibers to be transfered from a French technology transfer office

30.8.2019   |   Mezinárodní spolupráce

Functionalized natural protein nanofibers have been validated for use as a scaffold for nerve regeneration, by a research lab within the Paris region. The French Technology Transfer Office (TTO) acting on behalf the research lab, is looking for a licensing agreement or a technical cooperation agreement with biomedical companies operating in...

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