Hlavní stranaMezinárodní biotech událostiBioAsia 2014

BioAsia 2014


Hyderabad, India (Únor, 17 – 19, 2014)

The first agri-summit of its kind, AgBioAsia 2014 is a unique platform created solely to bring together the powers of biotechnology and commerce to leverage agriculture and move towards a sustainable level of global food security. In other words, AgBioAsia 2014 will converge on one linear length the depth of path-breaking perspectives, innovative technological interventions and the strength of commercial support in order to empower agriculture and meet its global obligations.

It is meant to be the vision for a progressive economy through the understanding and the harnessing of global food resources and is promoted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh in partnership with reputed international concerns, including ICRISAT and FABA.

AgBioAsia 2014 will be held in conjunction with BioAsia 2014 - the benchmarked global forum for Biotechnology - and will align itself to the overarching theme of TECHNOLOGIES. BUSINESS. NEXT. Within this scope of thought, the forum will particularly facilitate key thought leaders in agri-biotechnology to discuss, debate and conclude possibilities in:

  • Crop Biotechnology
  • Food Biotechnology and Food Processing
  • Nutraceutical

Více: http://www.2014.bioasia.in/


CEBIO a I. etapa JVTP

  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina


Jihočeská agentura pro podporu inovačního podnikání o.p.s.

Články na přání

[načítám anketu]
